Streamlined Carbon and Energy Savings Report

The below table shows the consumption and associated emissions for the financial year ended 31 January 20241.

Utility & ScopeUK only Energy Consumption (kWh)UK only Emissions (tCO2e)Global (excluding UK) Energy ConsumptionGlobal (excluding UK) Emissions (tCO2e)UK & Global Energy Consumption (kWh)UK & Global Emissions (tCO2e)
Scope 1 Total3,286,060781.38116,85525.523,402,915806.91
Gaseous and other fuels (Scope 1)2,304,792547.599,7831.792,314,575549.38
Transportation (Scope 1)981,268233.79107,07223.731,088,340257.53
Scope 2 Total27,4635.6940,87612.3168,33918.00
Grid supplied Electricity (Scope 2)27,4635.6940,87612.3168,33918.00
Scope 3 Total302,79668.1021,9754.87324,77172.97
Transportation (Scope 3)302,79668.1021,9754.87324,77172.97
1 This has been developed and calculated using the GHG Protocol –A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2004); Greenhouse Gas Protocol –Scope 2 Guidance (World Resources Institute, 2015); ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-2 (ISO, 2018; ISO, 2019); Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Guidance (HM Government, 2019).

Scope 1 consumption and emissions include direct combustion of natural gas, and fuels utilised for transportation operations, for example, company vehicle fleets.

Scope 2 consumption and emissions cover indirect emissions related to the consumption of purchased electricity in day-to-day business operations.

Scope 3 consumption and emissions cover emissions resulting from sources not directly owned by the Group i.e., grey fleet business travel undertaken in employee-owned vehicles only.

Our FY24 client solutions generated lifetime savings of 325,000 t/CO2e.

Intensity metric

The Table shows the Group’s Total Emissions Intensity Metric. An intensity metric of tCO2e per full time employee has been applied for the annual total consumption of the Group.

Location-based tCO2e
Intensity MetricsFY24FY23
Total FTE221168
All Scopes tCO2e per FTE4.064.81
Year on Year Percentage Change-15.53%

Energy efficiency improvements and carbon savings

We recognise the importance of reducing our overall emissions and achieving carbon savings, so we can contribute to global efforts of combatting climate change. This is currently focused on our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are those from our operations and which are under our direct control, by improving energy efficiency, use and conservation.

In FY24, business travel rose due to a shift from virtual to face-to-face meetings as the country gradually reopened offices. Additionally, ongoing train strikes contributed to an increase in car travel. A survey on employee commuting conducted during FY24 offered a clearer picture of our global employees’ commuting patterns. The surge in employee commuting was fuelled by a 31% growth in our workforce compared to FY23, coupled with more employees returning to office-based work.

During FY24, we have undertaken projects to reduce energy usage including raising employee awareness via global initiatives such as.

  • World Environment Day
  • Water Saving Week
  • World Clean and Green Week
  • Earth Day

The Group will continuously review options to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions via a range of initiatives while working with its suppliers to explore ways to reduce its Scope 3 emissions.